Get ready for SAPC's Vacation Bible School 2024!
VBS Camp:
Vertical Divider
We're so excited to host Camp Firelight as our VBS this coming summer! Get ready to have an awesome time exploring Camp Firelight, meeting Counselor Sam and Lumen and hearing all about their stories! Join us for music, arts & crafts, story time, science, recreation, and the ever-important snack each day, all working together to help campers learn how we can put our trust in God throughout our lives.
Registration is closed! Thank you to all who registered; please be sure to complete your registration fee before the start of camp! Open to children aged 4 (by Sept. 1st) through rising 6th graders. There is a required $10 registration fee per child, with additional, optional purchases available at the time of registration: a $10 music download of the year's VBS songs, and/or a $10 VBS t-shirt we'll encourage (but not require) students to wear for a group picture. Neither are required for full participation in the program. |
Vacation Bible School is run by church member and community volunteers. All adult volunteers must be trained on our Kids First policy to ensure the safety of all children present. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form to help us gather information.