Prelude and The Chiming
There is a musical interlude at the start of service as guests make their way to their seats, used to prepare our hearts to hear the Word of God. After announcements, the Chiming of a handbell three times similarly reminds us to be present, and represents the Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It begins the formal worship of God.
Call to Worship
After the chiming for the Trinity, there is then a shared hymn to open the main body of the service before gathering around scripture for a call and response psalm reading. This call to worship acknowledges believers call to worship by the Creator God and to encounter God throughout the service.
Prayer of Confession
During the service we recognize that, as we come together as a congregation, that we are all sinners. No one in the church is a perfect person. We take the time to confess our shortcomings, both as a group and individually in a moment of quiet. This is not to shame those present, but instead is used as a reminder of the innumerable grace of God.
Assurance of Forgiveness and The Font
Although we confess to our sins and shortcomings, we are then reminded that Jesus' sacrifice forgives us for our transgressions. The Pulpit Assistant will read a short text assuring us that we are forgiven, and water is poured into the baptismal font to remind all of those in attendance of their own baptism and cleansing in Jesus' blood.
Passing of the PeaceTo encourage community and greet those together in worship, we reserve several moments in the service to say hello and greet those around you. This is a reminder that we do not worship alone, and that we are a community of faith. Individuals have the opportunity to wave, shake hands, or show peace signs as they greet their neighbors.
Children's MomentAll children are welcome to come to the front of the sanctuary for the Children's Moment immediately following the Passing of the Peace. Our Children and Family's Director, Kim Goetter, leads them in a brief lesson that reflects the day's sermon. After this moment, children can either follow Kim to the children's Sunday School located in the back of the building in the Fellowship Hall, or they are welcome to stay in the sanctuary.
Prayer for Illumination
Before we hear the word of God and the day's message, we prepare our hearts and ask for illumination to be able to understand His word. This prayer directs our hearts to remember the intention and purpose of the sermon, and to prepare us to hear what we need to hear and not what we want to hear.
Scripture & the Sermon
SAPC follows the Presbyterian USA lectionary. This means that not only are we worshiping together and studying the same passage during the service, but we are also worshiping alongside Presbyterian USA congregations throughout the nation and the world.
Affirmation of Faith
Following the sermon, we confirm and affirm what we believe using a passage of text that will be printed in the bulletin. Typically this will be the Apostle's Creed, which reminds us of Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection. It is important to ensure that we are reminded the reason that we are worshiping, and the reason we have been saved.
Prayer of Intercession & Offering
Before we pass the offering plate for tithes and donations, we remember those that need our help and those that are in our prayers. This includes global issues, local issues, and specific individuals in the church that have requested to be placed in our church prayer list.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
After we gather our tithes, we remember just how blessed we are as a church and as individuals. We remember our thankfulness for what we have, rather than focusing on what we want, and connect with each other as we celebrate the gifts we have been given.
The Charge & Benediction
Our worship does not stop when the service ends; instead, we are sent out into the world to continue spreading the Lord's love and message in everything that we do. The benediction serves as a commissioning of every member to continue strengthening their faith in their daily lives.
To see the order of events of a typical service, including hymns and scripture readings, view our bulletins and recorded services by clicking the link below.