ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving) is a consortium of approximately 80 churches in Aiken County formed for the purpose of providing an organized, single source of emergency assistance of food, clothing, utilities, and basic home furnishings to those in need.
July's donation request for SAPC is canned fruit. Please place donations in the collection boxes in the Narthex and the Family Life Center. “I was in prison and you came to visit me”. Matthew 25:38
Kairos is an interdenominational Christian ministry designed to be presented in state and federal medium and maximum security correctional institutions for both men and women in the U.S. The Kairos volunteers come from many Christian denominations but present only those principles that all share in common. South Aiken Presbyterian supports this ministry by baking cookies for distribution to the inmates. You can become involved by baking cookies twice a year or by attending the Kairos Retreat weekends. Information about upcoming SAPC Cookies for Kairos collections is posted in our Sunday bulletin and Spirit Express. |
Golden Harvest Food Bank of Aiken County, provides quality food and other grocery products to those in need.
Members of our church volunteer at Golden Harvest during the year by sorting, filing, stocking shelves and helping with special projects. We also collect food each year through the Souper Bowl of Caring project as well as provide financial support. South Aiken Presbyterian Church established the Secret Santa program in 1987. The program brings holiday cheer to the economically challenged families and children of our community. SAPC continues to serve as its managing organization. Since its inception, Secret Santa has served over 25,000 children in Aiken County.
Secret Santa provides eligible children with up to three wrapped Christmas presents with a total value of about $50 from a wish list that each child has provided. Eligibility of children is based on family need and income level. Many individuals, churches, civic organizations, and groups in the Aiken area sponsor children each year. Secret Santa volunteers (our Elves) provide program administrative support, shop for gifts, wrap gifts, and hand out gifts on distribution day. If you would like information about registering for Secret Santa or have other questions about this ministry, you may either call 803-648-1214 or check our Secret Santa page as the season begins! |